Sunday, October 26, 2008

Finger of God

Hello Friends, I just finished watching a film on the Christian television station in our area. The film was called "Finger of God" by Darren Wilson and was all about God working miracles through His children. The first couple of people that were interviewed were telling the filmaker that they prayed for a sign that God was in control of their lives and that He was real and the next thing you know they had gold teeth. Yes, I said gold teeth. One of their molars had been turned completely gold plus gold dust started reigning down on people and their pastor. This obviously caught my attention so I kept watching.

First let me explain that I am an extremely rationale person. I try to make sense of everything and in this case I couldn't. They were filming people in this church who were praying and being prayed over and then, they were drunk with the spirit, plus they had 1 or 2 gold molars. Then they showed a number of people healing ailments such as deafness, spinal problems, bad knees, and chronic headaches. Then I realized something. I was a skeptic.....a skeptic of God and what he can do. I felt very ashamed because I had allowed the devil to trick me into believing that it must me some hoax. Why didn't I believe that God could do this. I knew in my heart God can do ANYTHING, so why not something so strange? I prayed right then and there that God would open my eyes to his truth and give me discretion as to what was Him and what was not. God says that we are to humble ourselves and be like believe like a child believes, without rationalization. I have a 1 year old and he is pretty much totally dependent on me and my husband for everything. We should be that way with our Lord, totally dependent on Him to show us his truth. God was telling me "don't sit here and try to think of reasons for this not to be Me, just believe it is and I will show you what I can do." So I did, and I felt His spirit come over me and wake me up to what was going on in this film and around the world.

I also realized that miracles were created to help unbelievers to believe that God is real by doing things no one else can do. I have been a believer since I was 5 and have never needed a miracle to know that God is, was, and will always be real. But their are millions around the world who have never heard of our God and what he can do in their lives. God chooses who to show miracles to because its what they need to beleive. I guess I am very lucky that God put me in a place where I had Christians to help guide me along the way.

BUT, I have seen a miracle, two actually. My first was when I was about 6 years old. My sister and I were on the top of a slide at the park. My sister was in front of me and leaned over the left side of the slide. We were about 15 ft up when she fell. My mom was at the end of the slide and my dad was about 6 ft to the right of the slide. When she fell, I saw something push my dad from behind so fast that he caught my sister facing head down about 6 inches from the ground. He didn't even know she had fallen and just felt a surge come from behind and propel him forward. We all knew it was God. Then in 2002 my dad fell out of a tree about 30-35 feet in the air. He shattered his left arm, broke is pelvis and ankle, and was very disoriented. He had been on a tractor when he got down, climbed up to saw a branch blocking his tree stand view. After he regained consciousness, he began crawling the 30 ft towards the tractor, passing out multiple times along the way. When he reached the front tire, He prayed to God for help then passed out. When he awoke he was sitting on top of his tractor with a rachet strap holding his broken arm to his chest and his seat belt on. He rammed a locked gate like 20 times to get out of the field and get help. He made a full recovery because God picked up his 250 lb body and gave him the strength to survive. That's the only rationale I need.

From this film I also was shown that God has an awesome since of humor. The filmaker was interviewing the head of the anglican christian church in Iraq. When asked where his iragi congregation met he said they could not meet in their church because it was unsafe. 11 members of his staff had already been murdered. He stated they met in the Shiite Muslim Prime Minister's office. Seriously! Then when asked where his American Christian Church met he stated they met in Saddam Heussain's old palace and used his swimming pool as a baptistry. Now if that isn't God's humor I don't know what is. And why don't we here about that stuff on the news? The devil that's why.

I hope that you will try to see this film and let me know what you think. You may think I'm silly but I really feel that God was directing this film. God can do anything, even if it sounds strange to you and me, it may be just what an unbeliever in the crowd needs to know He is real and wants to be in their life. Humble yourselves and believe like little children and He will show you his truth and power.

God Bless

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Samaritan's Purse

Just wanted to let everyone know about the Charity that CedarHouseArt is supporting for the next couple of months. It is called Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child. I personally have been involved with this charity for the past 4 years and I feel that every dime I spend or donate in relation to this charity is used to help as many people as they can with the best help they can provide.

Here is a rundown about the charity:
It was started by Billy Graham's son, Franklin Graham. Just one of the many things they do to support needy families around the world and provide international relief is called Operation Christmas Child. Operation Christmas Child brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoe boxes and the Good News of God’s love. Since 1993, more than 61 million shoe boxes have been packed with Christmas gifts, shipped, and delivered across the globe. People of all ages can be involved in this simple, hands-on missions project while focusing on the true meaning of Christmas—Jesus Christ.

National Collection Week is November 17-24.

Giving is so easy and tons of fun. First get an old shoe box (preferably for tennis shoes) or buy a plastic storage bin with a top (about the side of a shoebox) and fill it with as many toys, hygiene products, candy, etc. that you can get in it. It only costs $7 to ship and you can drop off the boxes at lots of churches and they will ship it in bulk. You can also see the website to search for dropoff locations in your area. PLUS, samaritan's purse provides Christian literature and starts mission projects in the areas where shoe boxes are delivered.

Just go to and click on the Operation Christmas Child link on the first page to get all the info needed and for a list of suggested items for the shoebox. You can go to dollar tree and other dollar stores and fill up a shoebox for very little money.

Again the boxes will need to be ready to be collected by November 17-24.

This is a program that I am very passionate about. Growing up in a family where Christmas is a HUGE deal and where there was no shortage of gifts...I am saddened and filled with guilt that there are children all over the world who have never recieved a christmas gift. Luckily I was taught the true meaning of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of our Lord. But so many think its just about giving gifts. Most of us would say that we are greatly blessed to have what we have and I don't think its too much to ask to forfeit something we probably don't need anyway to give a child a christmas morning they will never forget.

CedarHouseArt will be donating 10% of every painting sold to this project and if you would like to donate without buying a painting please contact me @ or

Please be in prayer for the children and families that will be recieving these gifts that they will truly feel the love of God!

God Bless and May You All Have a Joyous Holiday Season!!!!
Mary Margaret Holmes

Monday, October 20, 2008

My Life as an Artist

Many would say that I have too much on my plate....some days I have to agree. But most days I try to be thankful for all that I have or have to do! I have a very rewarding yet very stress-filled career as a pharmacist and some may wonder why I am trying to start a small art business on the side? Well the truth is that I love my job and my coworkers but there is a void in my life that cannot be filled at a pharmacy. It can only be filled in my art studio where my truest self is poured into every brushstroke and I am able to reflect the gratitude I feel toward my God for giving me this wonderful gift. Plus, no drug addicts, no worrying I might kill someone, and no complaining about having to wait 10 minutes for a prescription that could save your ungrateful life!

I have a beautiful one year old son and would give my left arm (..cause I paint with my right, ha!) to be able to spend more time at home with him. My dream is to do well with my art company, CedarHouseArt, and to only work as a pharmacist part time. But I can't do that until people get interested and start buying my paintings.....SO SPREAD THE WORD!!! I did really well selling the paintings on ebay and decided to get my own website where customers can buy directly from me.




I also have a line of handmade jewelry coming out soon, so check the website often for photos.


May God Be with You and Yours,
Mary Margaret Holmes